Monday, February 05, 2007

Blogspot, gift of sight.

Six years after my first attempt, I finally went ahead and got contact lenses. The optometrist I went to confirmed what I had suspected all along, that it is more difficult to get the lenses into my eyes because I'm Asian. My mom's theory for why I failed last time is that I couldn't bear the thought of touching my precious peepers (read: a loss of resolve on account of me being a spoiled princess).

This is not the case. As it turns out, I have no problem raking my hand across my eyeball in order to remove the lenses. Insofar that I have no regard for the physical well-being of my eyes, I am very manly--I daresay an anti-princess of opthalmological health.

Such an anti-princess am I that it might just be an inborn thing. After my eye exam the optometrist told me basically that my fovea (the part of the macula responsible for discerning detail) is crazy-shaped and my optic disk is gigantic. This all means that I'm at high risk for developing glaucoma later on. The upside of this I guess is bascially that I might have a good excuse to smoke lots of pot in the future. The downside is blindness.

But back to the contact lenses! I'm getting used to putting them in already. On Sunday morning it took me about 20 minutes in the bathroom of my parents' place to shove these puppies in. I was expecting a similiar ordeal this morning so I got up early, but it only took about ten tries with each eye. As a result I got to work about half an hour early and realized that the sunlight really pours in the window at 8:20. It's nice to sit in for a few minutes, especially on a cold day like today.

So that, combined with that whole thing where I can now see shit, is the good part. Bad part: Being unable to discern detail at any distance, I never noticed this before but--Jesus fucking Christ--winter really kills my complexion (insofar as crushing self awareness of my skin tone, not so manly).

In other unmanly news, I'm going to a Cynthia Rowley show for fashion week on Thursday. Emaciated teenagers! Handbags! Unnatural stomping down runways! God, I can't wait. I'll even be able to see them now, so that's a nice bonus.


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