Thursday, April 06, 2006

Blogspot, parenthetical attack!

The following is my singular real-life brush with the Plamegate brouhaha. In condensed, Powerpoint-ready form:
  • It is last October.
  • Joe needed to look super gay because he was attending a Halloween party as Charles Nelson Riley.
  • So we went to Rags-a-Go-Go.
  • I found a button down shirt from the 70s with asterisks and red squares that was totally adorable.
  • That happened to be the same day Scooter Libby got indicted. Joshua Suzanne, everyone's favorite thrift store proprietress, was overjoyed.
  • I got a 25% discount on it because I knew that Libby had been indicted on five counts.
  • I save money. Scotter Libby goes to jail. Best scandal ever.

The reason I tried to avoid mentioning Valerie Plame in any context earlier (say, last October) is that, like a million other things (skew-Hermitian transformation mapping, the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey, a slab of concrete), politics is completely opaque to me. I figure most people don't like being lectured by the uninformed. In my case, this distaste for clueless pontificators (and pontiffs) borders on mania. Knowing this, I put in the extra effort to blog only about items that fall squarely within my knowledge base (ex: Top Model, biotechnology, emotional terror).

However, I'm beginning to feel like there are no unseen circumstances which can help explain the Bush Administration's actions. Thus, there is nothing more to understand and any prez-bashing on my part is free of "unfounded" in "obnoxious, unfounded liberal whining"!

So here, again in a pre-chewed form, is my understanding of the scandal:
  • The Administration, in addition to being incompetent, is genuinely sinister.

Could I possibly have wronged those unshaven Union Square protestors? Only Time (and possibly a Senate inquiry) will tell.


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