Sunday, August 07, 2005

Blogspot, deity of interior design.

With a sole exception, I have had trouble with the parents everytime I've seen a movie in theatres. I got disowned after Star Wars, disowned again after Madagascar and sent to therapy after Batman Begins. Last night, a day after seeing March of the Penguins, I could be seen running down my block in full hysterics without a shirt on (not even kidding). I'm beginning to think they are more concerned with my taste in film than with my homosexuality.

In anycase, Friday's movie made me empathize more completely with the sorrows of penguins than I had thought possible. Really, animals are generally more sympathetic than humans. Why? Well for starters: adult Emperor Penguins don't disown their children and the chicks aren't forced to maintain a complex web of lies in response. I feel guilty because in the last two months, I have become way more skilled in the business of deceit than I ever hoped to be. I keep around enough red herring to restock the North Atlantic.

As of late, my flesh and blood have been stepping up efforts on the bigotry front. So the deceit is all necessary. Clearly, the only way to combat ignorance is with subtlety and lies.

Recently, my mother told me a story about a young Chinese student attending Stanford. Under mysterious circumstances, his parents pulled him out of school--the implcation being that said young man liked to kiss boys. Momma proceeded to describe the whole unpleasant affair as being justified. Now, for a university-pretige whore like my mom, pulling a child out of a top-notch school like Stanford is the equivalent of an art scholar burning a Rembrandt because it doesn't match well the mauve wallpaper in the upstairs bathroom.

I am no longer allowed to shop at Banana Republic because, as Schmucky Ken's mother tells my mother: 'That's where some gays shop.' Of course, and as you will note entering its designer doorway, the store is practically an orgy. I also hate to tell you this but: gays shop at a lot of places--but don't tell anyone. It's a secret!

As of now, my parents are literally in Wyoming, visiting Yellowstone National Park. Peace and quiet might be good for me, methinks. Geysers and grizzly bears might be good for them, methinks.


Blogger M said...

Does March of the Penguins make you want to be a better penguin? I always wondered that...

9:08 AM  
Blogger Byron said...

i wish to be the best penguin.

i seriously hate leopard seals now. getting people to hate a specific animal completely: that there's the power of cinema.

5:19 PM  

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